Using the GROWER Framework for Effective Coaching

The GROWER framework is a powerful tool for effective coaching that can help individuals and organizations achieve their goals and reach their full potential. GROWER Framework for Effective Coaching: Our free PDF template guides each step.

Using the GROWER Framework for Effective Coaching
GROWER Coaching Framework - Guide and PDF Template


Are you looking for a structured approach to personal or professional development? Look no further than the GROWER coaching framework!

Coaching your team is an essential skill for success as a leader. However, many leaders need help to lead their teams effectively, especially when it comes to coaching.

Fortunately, the GROWER framework can help guide your coaching conversations and inspire your team to take action.

This blog post will provide an in-depth look at the GROWER framework and how to use it in six steps to lead your team to success.

What is the GROWER coaching framework?

The GROWER coaching framework is a six-step process that provides clarity and inspires action. As a coach, you should ask practical questions instead of giving answers.

The six GROWER steps are as follows:

  1. Goals: Determine the coachee's goals, top priorities, and planning preferences.
  2. Reality: Understand the current situation, skills/resources, and what has prevented progress.
  3. Options: Explore alternative paths and potential solutions.
  4. Way Forward: Decide on a specific path and determine the steps needed to reach the goal.
  5. Engagement: Establish a partnership with the coachee and provide support and trust.
  6. Resources: Offer resources to supplement learning, such as books, articles, podcasts, and videos.

By following these steps and asking the appropriate questions, you can lead an effective coaching conversation with your team. However, please be flexible and willing to provide recommendations or suggestions as needed.

How does the GROWER coaching framework work?

The GROWER framework is a six-step coaching process that provides clarity and inspires action.

The 6 steps are as follows:

GROWER Coaching Framework - Goals


Determine what the coachee wants to achieve, their top priorities, and their planning preferences.

Questions to ask include:

  • What are your goals for this project?
  • What outcome are you looking for?
  • What are your top three priorities for this quarter?
GROWER Coaching Framework - Reality


Please look at the current situation, skills/resources, and what has prevented progress.

Questions to ask include:

  • What have you done so far?
  • What is the current situation?
  • What skills/resources do you have to help?
  • What has prevented you from getting started already?
GROWER Coaching Framework - Options


Explore alternative paths and potential solutions.

Questions to ask include:

  • What else could you do?
  • Tell me three things that you might be able to do to solve this issue.
  • If you had a friend struggling with this, what would you tell them?
GROWER Coaching Framework - Way Forward

Way Forward

Could you decide on a specific path and determine the steps needed to reach the goal?

Questions to ask include:

  • What might get in the way?
  • What steps will you take first?
  • When will you take these steps?
  • How is it going to feel when you become successful?
GROWER Coaching Framework - Engagement


Could you partner with the coachee and provide support and trust?

Questions to ask include:

  • What can I do to support you?
  • What do you need from me to succeed?
GROWER Coaching Framework - Resources


Offer resources such as books, articles, podcasts, and videos to supplement learning.

Questions to ask include:

  • Are there any resources that might be helpful for you?
  • What types of resources do you prefer?

How could you use the GROWER coaching framework?

To use the GROWER framework effectively, follow these four tips:

  1. Ask open-ended questions: Ask questions that require more than a yes or no answer. Instead, ask questions, encouraging your team members to share their thoughts and ideas.
  2. Listen actively: Listen to what your team members say and demonstrate that you are listening by summarizing their ideas or asking follow-up questions.
  3. Be flexible: While the GROWER framework provides a valuable structure, be open to adjusting the conversation as needed to suit the coachee's needs.
  4. Use positive language: Frame questions positively to inspire action and motivation.

Who can benefit from the GROWER coaching framework?

The GROWER coaching framework can benefit anyone wanting personal or professional growth and development.

The framework is widely used in coaching and mentoring settings, and it can be adapted to suit the needs and goals of individuals, teams, or organizations.

Some specific examples of who can benefit from the GROWER coaching framework include:

  1. Individuals who want to set and achieve personal goals, such as improving their health, building new skills, or enhancing their relationships.
  2. Professionals who want to advance their careers, such as managers seeking leadership development, entrepreneurs wishing to grow their business, or employees looking to improve their performance.
  3. Teams who want to improve their collaboration, communication, or problem-solving skills and achieve collective goals.
  4. Organizations that want to foster a culture of continuous learning and development, enhance employee engagement and retention, and improve overall performance and productivity.

In short, anyone who wants to grow and achieve their desired outcomes can benefit from the GROWER coaching framework.

What is the role of the coach in the GROWER coaching framework?

The coach's role in the GROWER coaching framework is to facilitate the coaching process, support clients in achieving their goals, and help them develop their skills, knowledge, and self-awareness.

In addition, the coach's role is to provide guidance, feedback, support, and accountability throughout the coaching process while empowering the client to take ownership of their growth and development.

How do I evaluate my progress using the GROWER coaching framework?

Evaluating progress is critical in the GROWER coaching framework because it allows you to measure your achievements, learn from your mistakes, and adjust your goals and plans as necessary.

Here are six steps to evaluate your progress using the GROWER coaching framework:

  1. Review your goals: Start by reviewing the specific goals you set for yourself in the first step of the framework. Ask yourself if you have achieved your goals or are progressing towards them.
  2. Assess your current reality: Evaluate your current situation and compare it to where you were when you started the coaching process. Could you identify any changes or improvements that you have made?
  3. Analyze your options: Review the options and strategies you identified in the third step of the framework. Could you assess which options have been most effective and which have not worked as well?
  4. Evaluate your willpower: Consider how motivated and committed you have been to achieving your goals. Identify any challenges or obstacles that may have impacted your resolve and develop strategies to overcome them.
  5. Measure your execution: Review the action plan you developed in step five and evaluate how well you executed it. Identify any actions you took or did not take that may have affected your progress.
  6. Review your progress: Finally, evaluate and celebrate your achievements. Identify areas for improvement and set new goals for continued growth and development.

By evaluating your progress using the GROWER coaching framework, you can gain valuable insights into your achievements and areas for improvement while staying motivated and focused on your goals.


Coaching is essential for leaders who want to inspire their teams to reach their full potential.

Using the GROWER framework and following the tips provided, you can lead your team to success and inspire them to take action.

Remember to be flexible, listen actively, and use positive language to create a supportive and motivating coaching environment.

We also developed a GROW Coaching Model template, free to download here:

GROW Coaching Model: Free PowerPoint Template
The GROW Coaching Model: What It Is and How To Use It (Plus FREE PowerPoint template)

GROW Coaching Model Template

GROWER Coaching Framework

PDF Template

The GROWER coaching framework PDF template is perfect for anyone wanting personal or professional growth and development. Individuals, teams, or organizations can use it.

Our GROWER coaching framework PDF template is available for free download, making it a cost-effective way to jumpstart your personal or professional development.

You can download the template, follow the six steps and guiding questions, and start reaching your goals today.

GROWER Coaching Framework Guidebook and PDF Template

Download: GROWER Coaching Framework PDF template