Hey, Strategy Enthusiasts! 👋

I know why you're here.

You're fascinated by the art of strategy, the challenges of leadership, or the complexities of M&A.

And let me tell you – you're in the right place.

Through StrategyPunk, I share practical insights and analytical frameworks that help leaders navigate complex business challenges.

StrategyPunk is my passion project, where I explore ideas, share lessons learned, and engage with a community of strategy enthusiasts and business leaders.

Why StrategyPunk?

Because strategy doesn't have to be stuffy.

I believe in making strategy straightforward and leadership impactful while always remaining rebellious — hence the name StrategyPunk.

Ready to dive in?

If you're new here, start with these reader favorites:

McKinsey's 3 Horizons Framework: Free PowerPoint Template

Mastering Your Go-To-Market Strategy: 7 Crucial Steps for Success (Plus Free PPT Template)

The GROW Coaching Model: What It Is and How To Use It (Plus FREE PowerPoint template)

Strategic Planning with The Strategy Pyramid (Free Powerpoint)

Strategic Priorities One-Pager Template To Achieve Your Ambition

I'd love to meet you! 👋👋

I'm equally curious about the wonderful people who stop by to read it.

No fancy reason is needed – I genuinely enjoy meeting new people.

Say hi! LinkedIn.